
Prof. Joshua W. K. Ho
Assistant Dean (Innovation & Technology Transfer), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Deputy Director in Educational Technology (AI), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Lead Scientist, D24H
Founder, Vitome Limited
BSc (Hon 1, University Medal), Biochemistry and Computer Science, The University of Sydney
PhD, Bioinformatics, The University of Sydney

Dr Sharon Xue
Research Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences
BSc, Biotechnology, Hebei University of Economics & Business
MSc, Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University
PhD, Molecular Biology, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Chi Yan Ooi
Biomedical Data Specialist
BSc (Hon 1), Molecular Biology, University of New South Wales
PhD, Cancer Biology, University of New South Wales

Dr Junhao Su
Postdoctoral Fellow
BEng, Bioinformatics, Harbin Institute of Technology
MEng, Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology
PhD, Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong

Xinyi Lin
PhD Student
BS, Biological Science and Statistics, Sun Yat-sen University
MS, Biostatistics, Columbia University

Sheng Xu
PhD Student
BSc, Biological Science, Tsinghua University

Shichao Ma
PhD Student
BSc (Hon 1), Computer Science, King's College London
MSc, Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong

Angela Yin
PhD Student
BBiomed, Biomedicine, The University of Melbourne
Master of IT, Software Engineering, The University of Sydney

Erfan Shekarriz
PhD Student
BSc (Hon 1), Biotechnology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
MPhil, Genomics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Nicholas Kwok
PhD Student
BSc (Hon 1), Biotechnology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BBA, General Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Chrissy Ma
PhD Student
BSc, Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong

Mun Kay Ho
MPhil Student
BBiomedSc, The University of Hong Kong

Grace Yang
MPhil Student
BBiomedSc, The University of Hong Kong

Nicol Lo
Senior Research Assistant
BS , Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Yuen
AI Programmer
BEng (Hon 1) in Biomedical Engineering (major in Information Technology), The University of Sydney

Aubrey Hu
Research Assistant
MMedSc, The University of Hong Kong

Elison Lee
Junior Research Assistant
MBBS (2023-present), The University of Hong Kong
Research Projects
The Ho Laboratory develops scalable computer aglorithms and statistical methods to harness large biomedical data to solve a variety important biomedical problems, and to develop innovative digital health solutions for translational healthcare applications. A range of specific research projects can be developed within the broad theme of scalable big data analytics for healthcare translation. Here are some major research themes. Multiple projects are available under each theme.:
- Scalable single cell data analytics. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) enables researchers to study
heterogeneity among tens of thousands of individual cells and define cell types from a transcriptomic perspective.
However, fast and reliable analysis of these large and noisy data requires new statistical and computational
considerations. In this project we will develop scalable bioinformatics methods to analyze a range of scRNA-seq
data to answer important biological questions.
- Microbiome functional systems biology through metagenomic and multi-omic data analysis. Our laboratory is
developing computational and statistical tools that can efficiently process large metagenomic data, and integrate
them with other omics or deep phenotyping data. Our goal is to understand how the microbiome found in a specific
location of the body, e.g., the gut, can affect a person's health.
- Digital health, artificial intelligence, mobile health and wearable devices. Being able to track the changes of a
person's physiological parameters in real time is now increasingly feasible due to the wide availability of
consumer-grade smartphones and wearable devices (e.g., fitbit, AppleWatch, etc). Our group is developing new big
data machine-learning algorithms to extract, de-noise, analyze and correlate physical activity data and heart rate
dynamics. Our long-term goal is to establish new non-invasive screening tools to monitor a person's health
- Analytics of mass-spectrometry-based untargeted proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics. Being able to discover an
unbiased collection of proteins, metabolites and lipids in any biological sample is critical in our ability to discover how
cellular functions are regulated at the molecular level. The analysis of these data posed many challenges.
Our laboratory is working toward developing analytical pipelines to facilitate integrative analysis of these data.
For postdoc/students/RA who wants to join this laboratory: All projects require proficiency in at least one programming/scripting language (R, Perl, Python, Java, C++, C). Familiarity with the Unix operating system is desirable but not required. Individual projects can be tailored to fit each student's personal interest and skill set. Most projects involve close interactions with local and international collaborators. This is a highly interdisciplinary laboratory. We welcome prospective group members from diverse background, such as medicine, biology, physics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, and engineering. Expression of interest, along with your CV, can be sent to Dr. Ho.
We also have various positions available via the Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health (D24H).
Edited journal special issue
- Ho JWK, Giannoulatou E, Special Issue on Big Data for Biophysical Reviews (Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2019)
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Genomics (Volume 20, Supplement 10, December 2019) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: genomics
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Medical Genomics (Volume 12, Supplement 9, December 2019) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: medical genomics
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Medical Genomics (Volume 13, Supplement 3, February 2020) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: medical genomics
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Bioinformatics (Volume 20, Supplement 23, December 2019) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: bioinformatics
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Bioinformatics (Volume 21, Supplement 3, April 2020) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: bioinformatics (part 2)
- Ho JWK, Sohn K-A, Song J, Akutsu T, Ranganathan S, Li J, Special Issue in BMC Microbiology (Volume 20, Supplement 1, April 2020) for Proceedings of the Joint International GIW & ABACBS-2019 Conference: microbiology
- Ho JWK, Special Issue in Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2020) for GIW/ABACBS 2019

[* Co-first authors, ^ Co-corresponding authors]
Pre-print manusripts
- Ho MK, Ho JWK^ (2024) Mitochondrial DNA Common Deletion in Cancer: Emerging Evidence and Methodological Challenges. link
- Qian G, Coleman I, Korem T^, Ho JWK^ (2024) Metagenomic coverage bias at transcription start sites is correlated with gene expression. bioRxiv: link
- Xue Y, Chao Y, Lin X, Huang Y, Ho JWK*, Sugimura R* (2023) Single-cell mitochondrial variant enrichment resolved clonal tracking and spatial architecture in human embryonic hematopoiesis bioRxiv: link
Book chapters
- Ma K, Ho JWK (2024) Expression Clustering. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2nd Edition), Elsevier, (in press)
- Ma S, Yee CY, Xin J, and Ho JWK (2023) Artificial intelligence clinical applications of wearable technologies . Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating theory into the clinic, IOP Publishing, 3.1-3.16
- Ye X, Ho JWK (2019) Expression Clustering. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol 2, Elsevier, 388-395
- Giannoulatou E, Kamali AH, Yang A, Chen TY, Ho JWK (2016) Quality assurance in genome-scale bioinformatics analyses. In Computational Biology & Bioinformatics: Gene Regulation (Ed. Wong KC), CRC Press, 259-278
- Wang X, McCormick HM, Djordjevic D, Giannoulatou E, Suter CM, Ho JWK (2016) Epigenomic analysis of chromatin organization and DNA methylation. In Computational Biology & Bioinformatics: Gene Regulation (Ed. Wong KC), CRC Press, 181-211
- O'Connell DJ, Ho JWK, Maas RL (2013) Systems biology of early tooth development. In Stem cells in craniofacial development, regeneration and repair (Eds. Huang GT-J and Thesleff I), Wiley, 179-202
- Ho JWK, Alekseyenko AA, Kuroda MI, Park PJ (2011) Genome-wide mapping of protein-DNA interactions by ChIP-seq. In Tag-based Approaches for Next Generation Sequencing: Merging two High-throughput Technologies (Eds. Kahl, Harbers), Wiley, 139-152
- Mohamed AN, Lal S, Ho JWK, Brown A, Lui R, Nguyen L, Yong ASC, Su Y, Braet F, Dyer W,Junius F, Cumming RG, Freedman SB, Kritharides L, dos Remedios CG (2010) How to interrogate the cellular immune system inpatients with ischemic heart disease. In Myocardial Ischemia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment (Eds. Vukovic D, Kiyan V), NovaPublishers
- Jermiin LS, Ho JWK, Lau KW, Jayaswal V (2009) SeqVis: A tool for detecting compositional heterogeneity among aligned nucleotide sequences. In Bioinformatics for DNA sequence analysis (Ed. Posada D),Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. 65-91
Original research papers / review papers
- Fung MMH, Tang EMH, Wu T, Luk Y, Au ICH, Liu X, Lee VHF, Wong CK, Wei Z, Cheng WY, Tai ICY, Ho JWK, Wong JWH Lang BHH, Leung KSM, Wong ZSY, Wu JT, Wong CKH (2025) Developing a named entity framework for thyroid cancer staging and risk level classification using large language models. npj Digital Medicine, 8, 134
- Su Z, Yeung MCF, Han S, Yau RCH, Lam YL, Ho KWY, Shek TW, Shi F, Feng S, Chen H, Ho JWK, Xi Z, Cheung JPY, Cheung KSC (2025) Denosumab Enhances antitumour Immunity by Suppressing SPP1 and Boosting Cytotoxic T Cells . Cancer Immunology Research, (in press)
- Shen S, Werner T, Lukowski SW, Andersen S, Sun Y, Shim WJ, Mizikovsky D, Kobayashi S, Outhwaite J, Chiu HS, Chen X, Chapman G, Martin EMMA, Xia D, Pham D, Su Z, Kim D, Yang P, Tan MC, Sinniah E, Zhao Q, Nego S, Redd MA, Powell JE, Dunwoodie SL, Tam PPL, Boden M, Ho JWK, Nguyen Q, Palpant NJ (2025) Atlas of multilineage stem cell differentiation reveals TMEM88 as a developmental regulator of blood pressure Nature Communications, 16(1), 1356
- Miao Z, Lin X, Li J, Ho J, Meng Q, Zhang X (2025) scRecover: Discriminating True and False Zeros in Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data for Imputation. Statistics in Medicine, 44(5), e10334
- Luk LYF, Ching CJY, Yip TF, Chan SCL, Lam CYT, Lam ETC, Yue SRB, Pang HC, Wong JY, Wong CKh, Tong CK, Yamamoto T, Rainer T, Wai AKC, Ho JWK^ (2025)
Incidence of deliberate self-harm in Hong Kong before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Interrupted time series analysis of emergency department data between 2016 and 2022.
, 11, e57500 - He B*, Xu S*, Schooling CM, Leung GM, Ho JWK^, Au Yeung SL^ (2025) Gut microbiome and obesity in late adolescence: a case-control study in “Children of 1997” birth cohort Annals of Epidemiology, 101, 58-66
- Yin D*, Cao Y*, Chen J*, Mak CLY, Yu KHO, Zhang J, Li J, Lin Y^, Ho JWK^, Yang JYH^ (2025) Scope+: An open source generalizable architecture for single-cell atlases at sample and cell levels Bioinformatics, 41(1), btae727 biorxiv: link
- Stassen SV, Kobashi M, Lam EY, Huang Y, Ho JWK. Tsia KK (2024) StaVia: Spatially and temporally aware cartography with higher-order random walks for cell atlases. Genome Biology, 25, 224
- Cheung BHH, Cheung C, Chan J, Wong ECK, Ho JWK, Lau KKG (2024) Synergy and collaboration with young educators and students: Insights from an open forum on generative artificial intelligence in medical education. Medical Education, 58, 998-999
- Li J, Kot WY, McGrath CP, Chan BWA, Ho, Ho JWK, Zheng LW (2024) Diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence assisted clinical imaging in the detection of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery, 110(8), 5034-5046
- Xu S, Morgan DC, Qian G, Huang Y, Ho JWK (2024) MetaQuad: Shared Informative Variants Discovery in Metagenomic Samples. Bioinformatics Advances, 4(1), vbae030
- Wai AKC^, Yip TF^, Wong YH, Chu CK, Lee TTL, Yu KHO, So KWL, Wong JYH, Wong CKH, Ho JWK^, Rainer TH^ (2024) The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Non-COVID-19 Death in Hong Kong: A Population-Wide Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10:e41792
- Meng Q, Wei L, Ma K, Shi M, Lin X, Ho JWK, Li Y, Zhang X (2024) scDecouple: decoupling cellular response from infected proportion bias in scCRISPR-seq. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 25(2), bbae011
- Warin J, Vedrenne N, Tam V, Zhu M, Yin D, Lin X, Guidoux-D’halluin B, Humeau A, Roseiro L, Paillat L, Chédeville C, Chariau C, Riemers F, Templin M, Guicheux J, Tryfonidou MA, Ho JWK, David L, Chan D, Camus A (2024) in vitro and in vivo models define a molecular signature reference for human embryonic notochordal cells. iScience, 27(2), 109018
- Su Z*, Ho JWK*, Yau RCH, Lam YL, Shek TWH, Yeung MCF, Chen H, Oreffo ROC, Cheah KSE, Cheung KSC (2024) A single-cell atlas of conventional central chondrosarcoma reveals the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in malignant transformation. Communications Biology, 7, 124
- Chen J, Yin D, Wong HYH, Duan X, Yu KHO^, Ho JWK^ (2024) Vulture: Cloud-enabled scalable mining of microbial reads in public scRNA-seq data. GigaScience, 13, giad117
- Ma S, Chen J, Ho JWK (2024) An edge-device-compatible algorithm for valvular heart diseases screening using phonocardiogram signals with a lightweight convolutional neural network and self-supervised learning. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 243, 107906
- Zheng W, Fong JHC, Wan YK, Chu AHY, Huang Y, Ho JWK (2023) Discovery of regulatory motifs in 5′ untranslated regions using interpretable multi-task learning models. Cell Systems, 14(12), P1103-1112.E6
- Cao H, Xiang Y, Zhang S, Chao Y, Guo J, Aurich T, Ho JWK, Huang Y, Liu P, Sugimura R (2023) PD-L1 regulates inflammatory programs of macrophages from human pluripotent stem cells. Life Science Alliance, 7(2), e202302461
- Li Q, Zhao L, Chan CL, Zhang Y, Tong SW, Zhang X, Ho JWK, Jiao Y, Rainer TH (2023) Multi-Level Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Ischaemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(8), 13821
- Zhao K, Zheng M, Su Z, Ghosh S, Zhang C, Zhong W, Ho JWK, Jin G^, Zhou Z^ (2023) MOF-mediated acetylation of SIRT6 disrupts SIRT6-FOXA2 interaction and represses SIRT6 tumor-suppressive function by upregulating ZEB2 in NSCLC. Cell Reports, 42(8), 112939
- Lin X, Chau C, Ma K, Huang Y^, Ho JWK^ (2023) DCATS: differential composition analysis for flexible single-cell experimental designs. Genome Biology, 24, 151
- Lee ICH, Tumanov S, Wong JWH, Stocker R, Ho JWK (2023) Integrative processing of untargeted metabolomic and lipidomic data using MultiABLER. iScience, 106881
- Wai AKC, Lee TTL, Chan SCL, Chan CY, Yip ETF, Luk LYF, Ho JWK, So KWL, Tsui OWK, Lam ML, Lee SY, Yamamoto T, Tong CK, Wong MS, Wong ELY, Rainer TH (2023) Association of Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir with reduced mortality and sepsis in hospitalized omicron patients: a territory-wide study. Scientific Reports, 13, 7832
- Sun Y, Shim WJ, Shen S, Sinniah E, Pham D, Su Z, Mizikovsky D, White MD, Ho JWK, Nguyen Q, Boden M^, Palpant NJ^ (2023) Inferring cell diversity in single cell data using consortium-scale epigenetic data as a biological anchor for cell identity. Nucleic Acids Research, 51(11), e62
- Virwani PD*, Qian G*, Hsu MSS, Pijarnvanit TKKTS, Cheung CNM , Chow YH, Tang LK, Tse YH, Xian JW, Lam SSW, Lee CPI, Lo CCW, Liu RKC, Ho TL, Chow BY, Leung KS, Tsang HW, Lo EKK, Tung KTS, Chung SK, Yuen MF, Leung SY, Ip P, Hung IFN, Louie JCY, El-Nezami H, Ho JWK^, Lau KK^ (2023) Sex Differences in Association Between Gut Microbiome and Essential Hypertension Based on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Hypertension, 80, 1331–1342
- Wang L, Yao H, Morgan DC, Lau KS, Leung SY, Ho JWK, Leung WK (2023) Altered human gut virome in patients undergoing antibiotics therapy for Helicobacter pylori. Nature Communications, 14, 2196
- Zheng W, Fong JHC, Wan YK, Chu AHY, Huang Y, Wong ASL, Ho JWK (2023) Translation rate prediction and regulatory motif discovery with multi-task learning. RECOMB 2023: Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 139–154. bioRxiv version
- Ma S*, Fang X*, Yao Y, Li J, Morgan DC, Xia Y, Kwok CSM, Lo MCK, Siu DMD, Tsia KK, Yang A^,Ho JWK^ (2023) StarmapVis: an interactive and narrative visualisation tool for single-cell and spatial data. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 21, 1598-1605
- Wai AKC, Chan CY, Cheung AWL, Wang K, Chan SCL, Lee TTL, Luk LYF, Yip ETF, Ho JWK, Tsui OWK, Cheung KWY, Lee S, Tong CK, Yamamoto T, Rainer TH, Wong ELY (2023) Association of Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir with preventable mortality, hospital admissions and related avoidable healthcare system cost among high-risk patients with mild to moderate COVID-19. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 30, 100602
- Virwani PD, Cai L, Yeung PKK, Qian G, Chen Y, Zhou L, Wong JWH, Wang Y, Ho JWK, Lau KK, Qian PY, Chung SK (2022) Deficiency of exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC)-1 in mice augments glucose intolerance, inflammation, and gut dysbiosis associated with Western diet. Microbiome, 10, 187.
- Wong JYH, Luk LYF, Yip TF, Lee TTL, Wai AKC^, Ho JWK^ (2022) Incidence of Emergency Department Visits for Sexual Abuse Among Youth in Hong Kong Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic JAMA Network Open, 5(10), e2236278 [Editorial highlight]
- Su Z, Chen Z, Ma K, Chen H, Ho JWK (2022) Molecular determinants of intrinsic cellular stiffness in health and disease. Biophysical Reviews, 14, 1079–1080
- Lau CH*, Yu KH*, Yip TF, Luk LY, Wai AK, Sit TY, Wong JY^, Ho JWK^ (2022) An artificial intelligence-enabled smartphone app for real-time pressure injury assessment. Frontiers in Medical Technology, 4, 905074
- Ho JWK, Chen X, He M, Huang Y, Mar JC, Shih DJH, Wu AR (2022) Biophysical Reviews special issue call: quantitative methods to decipher cellular heterogeneity — from single-cell to spatial omic methods. Biophysical Reviews 14, 1079–1080
- Yang A*, Alakarage D*, Cuny H, Ip EKK, Almog M, Lu J, Das D, Enriquez A, Szot JO, Humphreys DT, Blue GM, Ho JWK, Winlaw DS, Dunwoodie SL^, Giannoulatou E^ (2022) CHDgene: a Curated Database for Congenital Heart Disease Genes. Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 15(3), e003539
- Yu KHO, Fang X, Yao H, Ng B, Leung TK, Wang LL, Lin CH, Chan A, Leung WK, Leung SY, Ho JWK (2022) Evaluation of experimental protocols for shotgun whole-genome metagenomic discovery of antibiotic resistance genes IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(3), 1313-1321
- Kwok AWC, Qiao C, Huang R, Sham MH, Ho JWK^, Huang ^ (2022) MQuad enables clonal substrcuture discovery using single cell mitochondrial variants. Nature Communications, 13, 1205 BioRxiv version: link
- Thean DGL*, Chu HY*, Fong JHC, Chan BKC, Zhou P, Kwok CCS, Chan YM, Mak SYL, Choi GCG Ho JWK, Zheng Z, Wong ASL (2022) Machine learning-coupled combinatorial mutagenesis enables resource-efficient engineering of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editor activities. Nature Communications, 13, 2219
- dos Remedios C, Cranfield C, Whelan D, Cox C, Shearwin K, Ho J, Allen T, Shibuya R, Hibino E, Hayashi K, Li A (2022) A special issue of the Australian society for Biophysics. Biophysical Reviews, 14, 1-2
- Fang X, Ho JWK (2022) FlowGrid enables fast clustering of very large single-cell RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics, 38(1), 282-283
- Wang L, Yao H, Tong T, Lau KS, Leung SY, Ho JWK, Leung WK (2022) Dynamic changes in antibiotic resistance genes and gut microbiota after Helicobacter Pylori eradication therapies. Helicobacter, 27, e12871
- Zhou L*, Yu KHO*, Wong TL*, Zhang Z, Chan CH, Loon JHC, Che N, Yu HJ, Tan KV, Tong M, Ngan ES, Ho JWK^, Ma SKY^ (2022) Lineage tracing and single-cell analysis reveal proliferative Prom1+ tumour-propagating cells and their dynamic cellular transition during liver cancer progression. Gut, 71, 1656-1668
- Meng H, Chen C, Zhu Y, Li Z, Ye F, Ho JWK, Chen H (2021) Automatic flow delay through passive wax valves for paper-based analytical devices . Lab on a Chip, 21, 4166-4176
- Chu CS, Lee NP, Ho JWK, Choi SW, Thomson PJ (2021) Deep Learning for Clinical Image Analyses in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 147(10): 893-900
- Cai M., Chai S., Xiong T., Wei J., Mao W., Zhu Y., Li X., Wei W., Dai X., Yang B., Liu W., Shu B., Wang M., Lu T., Cai Y., Zheng Z., Mei Z., Zhou Y., Yang J., Zhao J., Shen L, Ho JWK, Chen J, Xiong N (2021) Aberrant Expression of Circulating MicroRNA Leads to the Dysregulation of Alpha-Synuclein and Other Pathogenic Genes in Parkinson’s Disease. Frontiers in Cells and Developental Biology, 9, fcell.2021.695007
- Stassen SV, Yip GGK, Wong KKY, Ho JWK, Tsia KK (2021) Generalized and scalable trajectory inference in single-cell omics data with VIA. Nature Communications, 12, 5538 Biorxiv version: link
- Ayer A, Fazakerley DJ, Suarna C, Maghzal GJ, Sheipouri D, Lee KJ, Bradley MC, Fernandez-del-Rio L, Tumanov S, Kong SMY, van der Venn JN, Yang A, Ho JWK, Glarke SG, James DE, Dawes IW, Vance DE, Clarke CF, Jacobs RL, Stocker R (2021) Genetic screening reveals phospholipid metabolism as a key regulator of the biosynthesis of the redox-active lipid coenzyme Q . Redox Biology, 46, 102127
- Du R, Tsougenis D, Ho JWK, Chan JKY, Chiu KWH, Fang BXH, Ng MY, Leung ST, Lo CSY, Wong HYF, Lam HYS, Chiu LFJ, So TY, Wong KT, Wong YCI, Yu K, Yeung YC, Chik T, Pang JWK, Wai AKC, Kuo MD, Lam TPW, Khong PL, Cheung NT, Vardhanabhuti V (2021) Machine learning application for the prediction of SARS-CoV-2 infection using blood tests and chest radiograph. Scientific Reports, 11, 14250
- Xie CY*, Hu YH,* Ho JWK, Han LJ, Yang H, Wen J, Lam KO, Wong IYH, Law SYK, Chiu KWH, Fu JH^, Vardhanabhuti V^ (2021) Using Genomics Feature Selection Method in Radiomics Pipeline Improves Prognostication Performance in Locally Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma — A Pilot Study. Cancers, 13(9), 2145
- Chen Z, Yip TF, Zhu Y, Ho JWK^, Chen H^ (2021) The method to quantify cell elasticity based on the precise measurement of pressure inducing cell deformation in microfluidic channels. MethodsX, 8, 101247
- Chen C, Zhu Y, Ho JWK, Chen H (2021) The method to dynamically screen and print single cells using microfluidics with pneumatic microvalves. MethodsX, 8, 101190
- Wang H*, Guo S*, Kim SJ, Shao F, Ho JWK, Wong KU, Miao Z, Hao D, Zhao M, Xu J, Zeng J, Wong KH, Di L, Wong AHH, Xu X, Deng CX (2021) Cisplatin prevents breast cancer metastasis through blocking early EMT and retards cancer growth together with paclitaxel. Theranostics, 11(5), 2442-2459
- Hu Y, Xie C, Yang H, Ho JWK, Wen J, Han L, Lam KO, Wong IYH, Law SYK, Chiu KWH, Vardhanabhuti V, Fu J (2021) Computed tomography-based deep-learning prediction of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy treatment response in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 154, 6-13
- Szczesnik T, Chu L, Ho JWK, Sherwood R (2020) A High-Throughput Genome-Integrated Assay Reveals Spatial Dependencies Governing Tcf7l2 Binding. Cell Systems, 11(3), 315-327. Biorxiv version: link
- Hu Y, Xie C, Yang H, Ho JWK, Wen J, Han L, Chiu KWH, Fu J, Vardhanabhuti V (2020) Assessment of Intratumoral and Peritumoral Computed Tomography Radiomics for Predicting Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Patients With Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. JAMA Network Open, 3(9), e2015927
- Ho JWK (2020) Biophysical Review's `meet the editors series'—a profile of Joshua W. K. Ho. Biophysical Reviews, 12, 745-748 SharedIt link
- Goldberg A, Ho JWK (2020) Hactive: a smartphone application for heart rate profiling. Biophysical Reviews, 12, 777–779 SharedIt link
- Qian G, Ho JWK (2020) Challenges and emerging systems biology approaches to discover how the human gut microbiome impact host physiology. Biophysical Reviews, 12, 851–863 SharedIt link
- Patrick R*, Humphreys DT*, Janbandhu V, Oshlack A, Ho JWK, Harvey RP^, Lo KK^ (2020) Sierra: discovery of differential transcrpt usage from polyA-captured single-cell RNA-seq data. Genome Biology, 21, 167 bioRxiv: link
- Ip EKK, Hadinata C, Ho JWK, Giannoulatou E (2020) dv-trio: a family-based variant calling pipeline using DeepVariant. Bioinformatics, 36(11), 3549-3551
- Wang Q, Ye J, Fang D, Lv L, Wu W, Shi D, Li Y, Yang L, Bian X, Wu J, Jiang X, Wang K, Wang W, Hodson MP, Thibaut LM, Ho JWK, Giannoulatou E^, Li L^ (2020) Multi-omic profiling reveals associations between the gut mucosal microbiome, the metabolome, and host DNA methylation associated gene expression in patients with colorectal cancer. BMC Microbiology, 20, 83
- Xie C, Du R, Ho JWK, Pang HH, Chiu KWH, Lee EYP, Varhanabhuti V (2020) Effect of machine learning re-sampling techniques for imbalanced datasets in 18F-FDG PET-based radiomics model on prognostication performance in cohorts of head and neck cancer patients. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 47, 2826–2835. SharedIt link
- Stassen SV, Siu DMD, Lee KCM, Ho JWK, So HKH, Tsia K (2020) PARC: ultrafast and accurate clustering of phenotypic data of millions of single cels. Bioinformatics, 6(9), 2778-2786. bioRxiv: link
- Tam PPL, Ho JWK (2020) Cellular diversity and lineage trajectory: insights from mouse single cell transcriptomes. Development, 147, dev179788
- Yang A, Kishore A, Phipps B, Ho JWK (2019) Cloud accelerated alignment and assembly of full-length single-cell RNA-seq data using Falco. BMC Genomics, 20, 927
- Wang Q, Kotoula V, Hsu P-C, Papadopoulou K, Ho JWK, Fountzilas G, Giannoulatou E (2019) Comparison of somatic variant detection algorithms using Ion Torrent targeted deep sequencing data. BMC Medical Genomics, 12, 181
- Yang A*, Tang JYS*, Troup M, Ho JWK (2019) Scavenger: A pipeline for recovery of unaligned reads utilising similarity with aligned reads. F1000Research, 8, 1587
- Humphreys DT, Fossat N, Demuth M, Tam PPL, Ho JWK (2019) Ularcirc: Visualisation and enhanced analysis of circular RNAs via back and canonical forward splicing. Nucleic Acids Research, 47(20), e123
- Le TYL, Pickett HA, Yang A, Ho JWK, Thavapalachandran S, Igoor S, Yang SF, Farraha M, Voges HK, Hudson JE, dos Remedios CG, Bryan TM, Kizana E, Chong JJH (2019) Enhanced cardiac repair by telomerase reverse transcriptase over-expression in human cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells. Scientific Reports, 9, 10579
- Szczesnik T, Ho JWK, Sherwood R (2019) Dam mutants provide improved sensitivity and spatial resolution for profling transcription factor binding. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 12, 36
- Ho JWK, Scadding M (2019) Classroom Activities for Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Primary School Students. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2019, 157-159
- van Eyk CL, Samaraweera SE, Scott A, Webber DL, Harvey DP, Mecinger O, O'Keefe LV, Cropley JE, Young P, Ho J, Suter C, Richards RI (2019) ‘Non-self’ Mutation: Double-stranded RNA elicits antiviral pathogenic response in a Drosophila model of expanded CAG repeat neurodegenerative diseases. Human Molecular Genetics, 28(18), 3000-3012
- Ye X, Ho JWK (2019) Ultrafast clustering of single-cell flow cytometry data using FlowGrid. BMC Systems Biology, 13(Suppl 2), 35. bioRxiv link
- Farbehi N*, Patrick R*, Dorison A, Xaymardan M, Janbandhu V, Wystub-Lis K, Ho JWK, Nordon RE^, Harvey RP^ (2019) Single-cell expression profiling reveals dynamic flux of cardiac stromal vascular and immune cells in health and injury. eLife, 8, e43882
- Djordjevic D, Tang JYS, Chen YX, Kwan SLS, Ling RWK, Qian G, Woo CYY, Ellis SJ, Ho JWK (2019) Discovery of perturbation gene targets via free text metadata mining in Gene Expression Omnibus. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 80, 152-158. bioRxiv link
- Alankarage D, Ip E, Szot JO, Munro J, Blue GM, Harrison K, Cuny H, Enriquez A, Troup M, Humphreys DT, Wilson M, Harvey RP, Sholler GF, Graham RM, Ho JWK, Kirk EP, Pachter N, Chapman G, Winlaw DS, Giannoulatou E, Dunwoodie SL (2019) Identification of clinically actionable variants from genome sequencing of families with congenital heart disease. Genetics in Medicine, 21, 1111-1120
- Ho JWK, Giannoulatou E (2019) Big data: the elements of good questions, open data, and powerful software. Biophysical Reviews, 11, 1-3.
- Djordjevic D, Cawood BK, Rispin SK, Shah A, Yim LHH, Ho JWK (2019) CardiacProfileR: An R package for extraction and visualisation of heart rate profiles from wearable fitness trackers. Biophysical Reviews, 11, 119-121. BioRxiv: link
- Wang Q, Wang K, Wu W, Giannoulatou E, Ho JWK, Li L (2019) Host and microbiome multi-omics integration: applications and methodologies. Biophysical Reviews, 11, 55-65
- Kabir MH, Patrick R, Ho JWK^, O'Connor MD^ (2018) Identification of active signaling pathways by intergrating gene expression and protein interaction data. BMC Systems Biology, 12(Suppl 9), 120
- Kabir MH, Djordjevic D, O'Connor MD, Ho JWK (2018) C3: An R package for cross-species compendium-based cell-type identification. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 77, 187-192. Preprint available at bioRxiv: link
- Szot JO, Cuny H, Blue GM, Humphreys DT, Ip E, Harrison K, Sholler GF, Giannoulatou E, Leo P, Duncan EL, Sparrow DB, Ho JWK, Graham RM, Pachter N, Chapman G, Winlaw DS, Dunwoodie SL (2018) A screening approach to identify clinically actionable variants causing congenital heart disease in exome data. Circulation: Genomics and Precision Medicine, 11, e001978.
- Nie S*, Wang X*, Sivakumaran P*, Chong MMW, Liu X, Karnezis T, Bandara N, Takov K, Nowell CJ, Wilcox S, Shambrook M, Hill AF, Harris NC, Newcomb AE, Strappe P, Shayan R, Hernandez D, Clarke J, Hanssen E, Davidson SM, Dusting GJ, Pebay A, Ho JWK, Williamson N, Lim SY (2018) Human W8B2+ cardiac stem cells: Biologically active constituents of the secretome. Scientific Reports, 8, 1579
- Palade J*, Djordjevic D*, Hutchins ED, George RM, Cornelius JA, Rawls A, Ho JWK, Kusumi K^, Wilson-Rawls J^ (2018) Identification of satellite cells from anole lizard skeletal muscle and demonstration of expanded musculoskeletal potential. Developmental Biology, 433(2), 344-356
- Murphy P, Kabir HM, Srivastava T, Mason ME, Dewi CU, Lim S, Yang A, Djordjevic D, Killingsworth M, Ho JWK, Harman DG, O'Connor MD (2018) Light-focusing human micro-lenses generated from pluripotent stem cells model lens development and drug-induced cataract in vitro. Development, 145, dev155838
- Kakrana A*, Yang A*, Anand D, Djordjevic D, Ramachandruni D, Singh A, Huang H, Ho JWK^, Lachke SA^ (2018) iSyTE 2.0: a database for expression-based gene discovery in the eye. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(D1), D875-D885
- Eaton SA, Aiken AJ, Young PE, Ho JWK, Cropley JE, Suter CM (2018) Maternal obesity heritably perturbs offspring metabolism for three generations without serial programming. International Journal of Obesity, 42, 911-914
- Lipskind S, Lindsey JS, Gerami-Naini B, Eaton JL, O'Connell D, Kiezun A, Ho JWK, Ng N, Parasar P, Ng M, Nickerson M, Demirci U, Maas R, Anchan RM (2018) An embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell model for ovarian granulosa cell development and steroidogenesis. Reproductive Sciences, 25(5), 712-726
- Wang X, Lin P, Ho JWK (2018) Discovery of cell-type specific DNA motif grammar in cis-regulatory elements using Random Forest. BMC Genomics, 19(Suppl 1), 929
- Rizzetto S, Eltahla AA, Lin P, Bull R, Lloyd A, Ho JWK, Venturi V, Luciani F (2017) Impact of sequencing depth and read length on single cell RNA sequencing data: Lessons from T cells. Scientific Reports, 7, 12781
- Ho JWK, Grant GH (2017) Modelling, inference and big data in biophysics. Biophysical Reviews, 9(4), 297-298
- Shi H, Enriquez A, Rapadas M, Martin EMMA, Wang R, Moreau J, Lim CK, Szot JO, Ip E, Hughes J, Sugimoto K, Humphreys D, McInerney-Leo AM, Leo PJ, Maghzal GJ, Halliday J, Smith J, Colley A, Mark PR, Collins F, Sillence DO, Winlaw DS, Ho JWK, Guillemin GJ, Brown MA, Kikuchi K, Thomas PQ, Stocker R, Giannoulatou E, Chapman G, Duncan EL, Sparrow DB, Dunwoodie SL (2017) NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations and Niacin Supplementation. New England Journal of Medicine, 377, 544-552
- Yang A, Troup M, Ho JWK (2017) Scalability and validation of big data bioinformatics software. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 15, 379-386
- Lin P, Troup M, Ho JWK (2017) CIDR: Ultrafast and accurate clustering through imputation for single-cell RNA-seq data. Genome Biology, 18, 59
- Tang JYS, Yang A, Chen TY, Ho JWK (2017) Harnessing multiple source test cases in metamorphic testing: A case study in bioinformatics. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, 10-13
- Yang P, Oldfield A, Kim T, Yang A, Yang JYH, Ho JWK (2017) Integrative analysis identifies co-dependent gene expression regulation of BRG1 and CHD7 at distal regulatory sites in embryonic stem cells. Bioinformatics, 33(13), 1916-1920
- Szot PS, Yang A, Wang X, Parsania C, Röhm W, Wong KH, Ho JWK (2017) PBrowse: A web-based platform for real-time collaborative exploration of genomic data. Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (9): e67
- Yang A, Troup M, Lin P, Ho JWK (2017) Falco: A quick and flexible single-cell RNA-seq processing framework on the cloud. Bioinformatics, 33(5), 767-769
- Djordjevic D, Kusumi K, Ho JWK (2016) XGSA: A statistical method for cross-species gene set analysis. Bioinformatics, 32(17), i620-i628
- Cropley JE, Eaton SA, Aiken A, Young PE, Giannoulatou E, Ho JWK, Buckland ME, Keam SP, Hutvagner, Humphreys DT, Langley KG, Henstridge DC, Martin DIK, Febbraio MA, Suter CM (2016) Male-lineage transmission of an acquired metabolic phenotype induced by grand-paternal obesity. Molecular Metabolism, 5(8), 699-708
- Troup M, Yang A, Kamali AH, Giannoulatou E, Chen TY, Ho JWK (2016) A cloud-based framework for applying metamorphic testing to a bioinformatics pipeline. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, 33-36
- Zhang Y, Fan J, Ho JWK, Hu T, Kneeland SC, Fan X, Xi Q, Sellarole MA, de Vries WN, Lu W, Lachke SA, Lang RA, John SWM, Maas RL (2016) Crim regulates integrin signaling in murine lens development. Development, 143(2), 356-366
- Al-Zyoud WA, Hynson RMG, Grnuelas LA, Coster ACF, Duff AP, Baker MAB, Stewart AG, Giannoulatou E, Ho JWK, Gaus K, Liu D, Lee LK, Boecking T (2016) Binding of transcription factor GabR to DNA requires recognition of DNA shape at a location distinct from its cognate binding site. Nucleic Acids Research, 44(3), 1411-1420
- Kamali AH, Giannoulatou E, Chen TY, Charleston MA, McEwan AL, Ho JWK (2015) How to test bioinformatics software? Biophysical Reviews 7(3), 343-352
- Sohn KA*, Ho JWK*, Djordjevic D, Jeong HH, Park PJ, Kim JH (2015) hiHMM: Bayesian non-parametric joint inference of chromatin state maps. Bioinformatics 31(13), 2066-2074
- Anchan R, Gerami-Naini B, Lindsey JS, Ho JWK, Kiezun A, Lipskind S, Ng N, LiCausi JA, Kim CS, Brezina P, Tuschl T, Maas RL, Kearns WG, Williams Z (2015)Efficient differentiation of steroidogenic and germ-like cells from epigenetically-related iPSCs derived from ovarian granulosa cells. PLoS One, 10(3),e0119275
- Djordjevic D, Deshpande V, Szczesnik T, Yang A, Humphreys DT, Giannoulatou E, Ho JWK (2015) Decoding the complex genetic causes of heart diseases using systems biology. Biophysical Reviews 7, 141-159
- Blue GM, Kirk EP, Giannoulatou E, Dunwoodie SL, Ho JWK, Hilton DCK, White SM, Sholler GF, Harvey RP, Winlaw DS (2014) Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Identifies Pathogenic Variants in Familial Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 64(23):2498-2506 [Editorial comment by JACC]
- Djordjevic D, Yang A, Zadoorian A, Rungrugeecharoen K, Ho JWK (2014) How difficult is inference of mammalian causal gene regulatory networks? PLoS One, 9(11), e111661 [Recommended by F1000Prime]
- Giannoulatou E, Park SH, Humphreys DT, Ho JWK (2014) Verification and validation of bioinformatics software without a gold standard: A case study of BWA and Bowtie. BMC Bioinformatics, 15(Suppl 16), S15
- Ho JWK*, Jung YL*, Liu T*, Alver BH, Lee S, Ikegami K, Sohn KA, Minoda A, Tolstorukov MY, Appert A, Parker SCJ, Gu T, Kundaje A, Riddle NC, Bishop E, Egelhofer TA, Hu SS, Alekseyenko AA, Rechtsteiner A, Asker D, Belsky JA, Bowman SA, Chen QB, Chen RAJ , Day DS, Dong Y, Dose AC, Duan X, Epstein CB, Ercan S, Feingold EA, Ferrari F, Garrigues JM, Gehlenborg N, Good PJ, Haseley P, He D, Herrmann M, Hoffman MM, Jeffers TE, Kharchenko PV, Kolasinska-Zwierz P, Kotwaliwale CV, Kumar N, Langley SA, Larschan EN, Latorre I, Libbrecht MW, Lin X, Park R, Pazin MJ, Pham HN, Plachetka A, Qin B, Schwartz YB, Shoresh N, Stempor P, Vielle A, Wang C, Whittle CM, Xue H, Kingston RE, Kim JH, Bernstein BE, Dernburg AF, Pirrotta V, Kuroda MI, Noble WS, Tullius TD, Kellis M, MacAlpine DM, Strome S, Elgin SCR, Liu XS, Lieb JD, AhringerJ, Karpen GH, Park PJ (2014) Comparative analysis of metazoan chromatin organization. Nature, 512(7515), 449-52 [News and Views by Nature]
- Jung Y, Luquette L, Ho JWK, Ferrari F, Tolstorukov M, Minoda A, Issner R, Epstein C, Karpen G, Kuroda M, Park PJ (2014)Impact of sequencing depth in ChIP-seq experiments. Nucleic Acids Research, 42(9), e74
- Zhang B*, Day DS*, Ho JW, Song L, Cao J, Christodoulou D, Seidman JG, Crawford GE, Park PJ, Pu WT (2013)A dynamic H3K27ac signature identifies VEGF-stimulated endothelial enhancers and requires EP300 activity. Genome Research, 23(6), 917-927
- Lin MW*, Ho JWK*, Harrison LC, dos Remedios CG, Adelstein S. (2013) An antibody leukocyte capture microarrayin the diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. PLoS One, 8(3), e58199
- Chen L, Chen Z, Baker K, Halvorsen EM, da Cunha AP, Flak MB, Gerber G, Huang Y-H, Hosomi S, Arthur JC, Dery KJ, Nagaishi T, Beauchemin N, Holmes KV, Ho JWK, Shively JE,Jobin C, Onderdonk AB, Bry L, Weiner HL, Higgins DE, Blumberg RS. (2012) The Short isoform of the CEACAM1 receptor inintestinal T cells regulates mucosal immunity and homeostasis via Tfh cell induction. Immunity, 37, 930-946
- Ho JWK (2012) Application of a systems approach to studydevelopmental gene regulation. Biophysical Reviews, 4(3), 245-253
- Jumlongras D*, Lachke SA*, O'Connell DJ, Aboukhalil A, Li X, Choe SE, Ho JWK, Turbe-Doan A, Robertson EA, Olsen BR, Bulyk ML, Amendt BA, Maas RL. (2012) An evolutionarily conserved enhancerregulates Bmp4 expression in developing incisor and limb bud. PLoS One, 7(6), e38568
- Alekseyenko AA*, Ho JWK*, Peng S*, Gelbart M, Tolstorukov M, Plachetka A, Kharchenko PV, Jung YL, Gorchakov AA, Larschan E, Gu T, Minoda A, Riddle NC, Schwartz YB,Elgin SCR, Karpen GH, Pirrotta V, Kuroda MI, Park PJ (2012) Sequence-specific targeting ofdosage compensation in Drosophila favors an active chromatin context. PLoS Genetics, 8, e1002646
- Lachke SA*, Ho JWK*, Kryukov GV*, O'Connell DJ, Aboukhalil A, Bulyk M, Park PJ, Maas RL (2012) iSyTE: integrated systems tool for eyegene discovery. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, 53, 1617-1627
- O'Connell DJ*, Ho JWK*, Mammoto T, Turbe-Doan A, O'Connell JT, Haseley PS, Koo S, Kamiya N, Ingber DE, Park PJ, Maas RL (2012) A Wnt-Bmp feedback circuit controls intertissuesignaling dynamics in tooth organogenesis. Science Signaling, 5, ra4 [Featured on the cover of this issue ofthe journal]
- Sadi MS, Kuo FC, Ho JWK, Charleston MA, Chen TY (2011) Verification of phylogenetic inference programsusing metamorphic testing. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 6, 729-747
- Zacharek SJ, Fillmore CM, Gludish D, Zamponi R, Chou A, Ho JWK, Gazit R, Bock C, Jager N, Smith ZD, Lee J-H, Lau A, Kim T, Roach RR, Rossi DJ, Meissner A,Gimelbrant AA, Park PJ, Kim CF (2011) Lungstem cell self-renewal relies on Bmi1-dependent control of expression at imprinted loci. Cell Stem Cell, 9, 272-281
- Ho JWK, Bishop E, Kharchenko PV, Negre N, White K, Park PJ (2011) ChIP-chip versus ChIP-seq: Lessons for experimental design and data analysis. BMC Genomics, 12, 134 [labeled as "Highly accessed" by BMC Bioinformatics]
- Ho JWK, Charleston MA (2011) Network modeling of gene regulation. Biophysical Reviews, 3, 1-13
- Xie X, Ho JWK , Murphy C, Kaiser G, Xu B, Chen TY (2011) Testing and Validating Machine Learning Classifiers by Metamorphic Testing. Journal of Systems and Software, 84, 544-558
- Yang P*, Ho JWK*, Yang YH, Zhou BB (2011) Gene-gene interaction filtering withensemble of filters. BMC Bioinformatics, 12, S10
- Yang P, Ho JWK, Zomaya AY, Zhou BB (2010) A genetic ensemble approach for gene-gene interactionidentification. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 524 [labeled as "Highly accessed" by BMC Bioinformatics]
- dos Remedios CG, Estigoy C, Cameron D, Ho JWK, Herbert B, Padula M, Pickford R, Guilhaus M, Odeberg J, Ponten F (2010) Proteomics of Human Cardiac Intercalated Disc: A more Complex Multi-Functional Structure than was Previously Thought. Biophysical Journal 98: 755a-756a
- Kong SW*, Hu YW*, Ho JWK, Ikeda S, Polster S, John R, Hall JL, Bisping E, Pieske B, dos Remedios CG, Pu WT (2010)Heart Failure Associated Changesin RNA Splicing of Sarcomere Genes. Circulation Cardiovasular Genetics, 3, 138-146
- Ho JWK*, Lin MW*, Braet F, Su YY, Adelstein S, dos Remedios CG (2010) Customising an antibodyleukocyte capture microarray for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Beyond biomarker discovery. Proteomics Clinical Applications, 4, 179-189 [Featured on the cover of this issue of the journal]
- Ho JWK, Stefani M, dos Remedios CG, Charleston MA (2009) A model selection approach to discoverage-dependent gene expression patterns using quantile regression models. BMC Genomics, 10, S16
- Xie X, Ho J Murphy C, Kaiser G, Xu B, Chen TY (2009) Application of Metamorphic Testing to Supervised Classifiers. In Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Quality Software [Winner of the best paper award]
- Mohamed A, Koundinya R, Junius F, Dyer W, Yong A, Ho J, Kritharides L, Freedman B, dos Remedios C (2009) CD antibodymicroarrays as an objective tool to differentiate between inflammatory conditions of coronary arteries. In Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18S, S110
- Estigoy CB, Ponten F, Odeberg J, Herbert B, Guilhaus M, Charleston M, Ho JWK, Cameron D, dos RemediosCG (2009) IntercalatedDiscs: Multiple proteins perform multiple functions in non-failing and failing human hearts. Biophysical Reviews, 1, 43-49
- Chen TY, Ho JWK, Liu H, Xie X (2009) An innovative approach for testing bioinformatics programsusing metamorphic testing. BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 24 [labeled as "Highly accessed" by BMC Bioinformatics]
- Hassan MR, Hossain MM, Bailey J, Macintyre G, Ho JWK, Kotagiri R (2009) A voting approach to identify a small number of highly predictivegenes using multiple classifiers. BMC Bioinformatics, 10, S19
- Ho JWK, Koundinya R, Caetano TS, dos Remedios CG, Charleston MA (2008) Inferring differential leukocyteactivity from antibody microarrays using a latent variable model. Genome Informatics, 21, 126-137
- Ho JWK, Stefani M, dos Remedios CG, Charleston MA (2008) Differential variability analysis of gene expression and its application to human diseases, Bioinformatics, 24, i390-i398
- Ho JWK, Charleston MA (2007) Modeling the Evolution of GeneRegulatory Networks. In Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2007), Long Beach, USA
- Ho JWK, Morrissey B, Downard KM (2007) A ComputerAlgorithm for the Identification of Protein Interaction from the Spectra of Masses (PRISM). Journal of American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 18, 563-566
- Ho JWK, Adams CE, Lew JB, Matthews TJ, Ng CC, Shahabi-Sirjani A, Tan LH, Zhao Y, Easteal S, Wilson SR, Jermiin LS(2006) SeqVis: Visualization ofcompositional heterogeneity in large alignments of nucleotides. Bioinformatics, 22(17), 2162-2163
- Ho JWK, Manwaring T, Hong SH, Roehm U, Fung DCY, Xu K, Kraska T, Hart D (2006) PathBank: Web-based Querying and Visualization of an IntegratedBiological Pathway Database. In Banissi E, Sarfraz M, Huang ML, Wu Q (Eds) Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization - Techniquesand Application (Proceedings of CGIV2006), IEEE Computer Society,84-89
- Ho J, Lukov L, Chawla S (2005) Sequential Pattern Mining with Constraints on Large Protein Databases. InChakrabarti S, Sudarshan S, Radha Krishnan P (Eds) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD2005b), 89-100
- Ho J, Hong SH (2005) Drawing Clustered Graph in Three Dimensions. In Haely P, Nikolov NS (Eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of Graph Drawing (GD2005). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 492-502
- Ahmed A, Dwyer T, Foster M, Fu X, Ho J, Hong SH, Koschutzki D, Murray C, Nikolov N, Taib R, Tarassov A, Xu K, (2005) GEOMI:GEOmetry for Maximum Insight. In Haely P, Nikolov NS (Eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of Graph Drawing(GD2005). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 468-479
- CIDR is an R package thay implements an ultrafast and accurate dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithm for single-cell RNA-seq data. The method is described in this Genome Biology paper.
- Falco is flexible big data framework for fast processing of single-cell RNA-seq data on the cloud. The method is described in this Bioinformatics paper.
- PBrowse is web-based platform for real-time collaborative exploration and sharing of genomic data. A test server can be found here. The method is described in this Nucleic Acids Research paper.
- PAD is a web-based bioinformatics tool for analysing transcription factor (TF) co-binding at gene-proximal or distal regulatory elements in mouse embryonic stem cells. A test server can be found here. The method is described in this Bioinformatics paper.
- XGSA is an R package that implements our statistical method for cross-species gene set analysis. A full description of the method can be found in this Bioinformatics paper.
- ENCODE-X Cross-species chromatin data browser is an online portal for ENCODE and modENCODE chromatin datasets. A full description of the data can be found in our Nature paper.
- hiHMM is a new Bayesian non-parametric method to jointly infer chromatin state maps in multiple genomes (different cell types, developmental stages, even multiple species) using genome-wide histone modification data.
- ToothCODE is an online portal of embryonic mouse tooth development data generated by the tooth regeneration team of SysCODE.
- iSyTE is an integrated systems tool for eye gene discovery.
- SeqVis is a stand-alone, platform-independent Java application developed with the aim to facilitate analysis and 3D visualization of compositional heterogeneity in species-rich alignments of nucleotide sequences. A software website can be found here and here
- SeqVis 2.0 is a web-based version of SeqVis. The demo can be found here:
- DVA is a R script that performs differential variability analysis. A full description of this method can be found in this Bioinformatics paper.
- C3 is an R package for cross-species compendium-based cell-type identification.
- GEOracle is an R/shiny package for identifying and analysing perturbation experiments in NCBI GEO. Source code can be found in GitHub.
- Scavenger a phyton tool to recover false negative unmapped reads.
- Ularcirc is an R package for visualisation and analysis of circular RNA.
- CardiacProfileR is an R package for extraction and visualisation of heart rate profiles from wearable fitness trackers.
- starmapVis is a web-based visualisation tool that enables immersive visualisation of spatial single cell omic data. starmap can be accessed from a desktop, laptop or a mobile device from the following link:
- FlowGrid is an ultrafast clustering algorithm for single-cell flow cytometry data. It implements a novel grid-based DBSCAN clustering algorithm.
- DCATS is an R package for differential composition analysis of complex single cell experimental designs.
- MQuad is a tool that detects mitochondrial mutations that are informative for clonal substructure inference. It uses a binomial mixture model to assess the heteroplasmy of mtDNA variants among background noise.
- MetaQuad is a tool designed to detect shared informative variants in a population of shotgun metagenomic data.
- MTtrans is a multi-task learning framework for integrating translation rate measurement from differet sequencing platforms and the discovery.
- Vulture is a scalable microbial calling pipeline on AWS cloud.
- MultiABLER is an R package for intergrative analysis of metabolomic and lipidomic data from MultiABLE.
- Covidscope is a Flask web application development based on flaskstarter boilerplate. It has all the ready-to-use bare minimum essentials. The web portal is available at
Data sets
- Antibody microarray of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (GEO)
- Histone modification and gene expression in dosage compensation of Drosophila melanogaster (GEO)
- Developmental timecourse of mouse ocular lens and whole embryo control (GEO)
- Gene expression during embryonic mouse molar tooth development (GEO)
Dr. Joshua W. K. Ho
Associate Professor
School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
4-44, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road
Hong Kong SAR, China