Chapter 8 RNA-seq analysis in R

This Chapter is modified based on the tutorial RNA-seq analysis in R created by Belinda Phipson This little vignette examines the expression profiles of basal stem-cell enriched cells (B) and committed luminal cells (L) in the mammary gland of virgin, pregnant and lactating mice. Six groups are present, with one for each combination of cell type and mouse status. Each group contains two biological replicates.

Original data source

8.1 Prerequisite

  • Set working directory to “R-workshop” (For how to set your working directory, refer to Chapter2.2.2)
  • Download the data from the GitHub: for this workshop and store the data in the “data” folder.
  • Install the packages: There are several packages used in this workshop, in the R console, type:

8.2 Read the sample information

The sampleinfo file contains basic information about the samples that we will need for the analysis today.

# Read the sample information into R
sampleinfo <- read.table("data/SampleInfo.txt",header = TRUE)

We can add a column in sampleinfo called group to combine the celltype and status information.

group <- factor(paste(sampleinfo$CellType,sampleinfo$Status,sep="."))
sampleinfo$group <- group
##                             FileName SampleName CellType   Status
## 1  MCL1.DG_BC2CTUACXX_ACTTGA_L002_R1    MCL1.DG    basal   virgin
## 2  MCL1.DH_BC2CTUACXX_CAGATC_L002_R1    MCL1.DH    basal   virgin
## 3  MCL1.DI_BC2CTUACXX_ACAGTG_L002_R1    MCL1.DI    basal pregnant
## 4  MCL1.DJ_BC2CTUACXX_CGATGT_L002_R1    MCL1.DJ    basal pregnant
## 5  MCL1.DK_BC2CTUACXX_TTAGGC_L002_R1    MCL1.DK    basal  lactate
## 6  MCL1.DL_BC2CTUACXX_ATCACG_L002_R1    MCL1.DL    basal  lactate
## 7  MCL1.LA_BC2CTUACXX_GATCAG_L001_R1    MCL1.LA  luminal   virgin
## 8  MCL1.LB_BC2CTUACXX_TGACCA_L001_R1    MCL1.LB  luminal   virgin
## 9  MCL1.LC_BC2CTUACXX_GCCAAT_L001_R1    MCL1.LC  luminal pregnant
## 10 MCL1.LD_BC2CTUACXX_GGCTAC_L001_R1    MCL1.LD  luminal pregnant
## 11 MCL1.LE_BC2CTUACXX_TAGCTT_L001_R1    MCL1.LE  luminal  lactate
## 12 MCL1.LF_BC2CTUACXX_CTTGTA_L001_R1    MCL1.LF  luminal  lactate
##               group
## 1
## 2
## 3    basal.pregnant
## 4    basal.pregnant
## 5     basal.lactate
## 6     basal.lactate
## 7
## 8
## 9  luminal.pregnant
## 10 luminal.pregnant
## 11  luminal.lactate
## 12  luminal.lactate

8.3 Read the count data

You can use the head() command to see the first 6 lines. In RStudio the View command will open the dataframe in a new tab. The dim command will tell you how many rows and columns the data frame has.

# Read the data into R
seqdata <- read.table("data/GSE60450_Lactation-GenewiseCounts.txt",header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## [1] 27179    14

The seqdata object contains information about genes (one gene per row), the first column has the Entrez gene id, the second has the gene length and the remaining columns contain information about the number of reads aligning to the gene in each experimental sample. There are two replicates for each cell type and timepoint. Next, we should format the data and create a dataframe with 12 samples and 27179 genes.

8.4 Format the data

The first two columns in the seqdata dataframe contain annotation information. We need to make a new matrix containing only the counts, but we can store the gene identifiers (the EntrezGeneID column, you can find the ) as rownames. We will add more annotation information about each gene later on in the workshop.

Let’s create a new data object, countdata, that contains only the counts for the 12 samples.

# Remove first two columns from seqdata
countdata <- seqdata[,-(1:2)]

# Store EntrezGeneID as rownames
rownames(countdata) <- seqdata[,1]

As we can see the column names for the countdata now is V1 to V14, we want to have a more meaningful column names. But the sample name is too long so we want to just keep the first 7 characters.

samplename <- substr(colnames(countdata), 1, 7)
##  [1] "MCL1.DG" "MCL1.DH" "MCL1.DI" "MCL1.DJ" "MCL1.DK" "MCL1.DL" "MCL1.LA"
##  [8] "MCL1.LB" "MCL1.LC" "MCL1.LD" "MCL1.LE" "MCL1.LF"

And we can now modify the column names.

colnames(countdata) <- samplename
## 497097        438     300      65     237     354     287       0       0
## 100503874       1       0       1       1       0       4       0       0
## 100038431       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## 19888           1       1       0       0       0       0      10       3
## 20671         106     182      82     105      43      82      16      25
## 27395         309     234     337     300     290     270     560     464
##           MCL1.LC MCL1.LD MCL1.LE MCL1.LF
## 497097          0       0       0       0
## 100503874       0       0       0       0
## 100038431       0       0       0       0
## 19888          10       2       0       0
## 20671          18       8       3      10
## 27395         489     328     307     342

Now the column names are now the same as SampleName in the sampleinfo file.

## TRUE 
##   12

Or you can use:

## [1] TRUE

8.5 Reads per million (RPM)

Reads per million attempt to normalize for sequencing depth. Here’s how you do it for RPM:

  • Count up the total reads in a sample and divide that number by 1,000,000 – this is our “per million” scaling factor.
  • Divide the read counts by the “per million” scaling factor. This normalizes for sequencing depth, giving you reads per million (RPM)

We can use mapply() to divide each column by the scaling_factor.

scaling_factor <- apply(countdata, 2, sum)/1000000
myRPM <- mapply('/', countdata, scaling_factor)

Notice that now the myRPM data is a matrix and the rowname is replace by the index 1 to 27179, we want myRPM to be a dataframe with EntrezGeneID as rownames.

myRPM <-
rownames(myRPM) <- seqdata[,1]

8.6 Filtering

We can filter out lowly expressed genes according to RPM=0.5. There are two sample replicates for each group, so we can filter on the RPM with some threshold present in at least 2 samples. Then let’s summarize how many RPM greater than 0.5 there are in each row.

table(rowSums(myRPM > 0.5))
##     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
## 10857   518   544   307   346   307   652   323   547   343   579   423 11433

We would like to keep genes that have at least 2 RPM greater than 0.5 in each row.

summary(rowSums(myRPM > 0.5) >= 2)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical   11375   15804

As we can see there are 11375 genes that needs to be filtered according to the threshold. And we have 15804 genes after filtering.

myRPM.keep <- myRPM[rowSums(myRPM > 0.5) >= 2,]
## [1] 15804    12


Count data is not normally distributed, so if we want to examine the distributions of the raw counts we need to log the counts. If the original data follows a log-normal distribution or approximately so, then the log-transformed data follows a normal or near normal distribution. So log transformation is one of the most popular transformations to transform skewed data to normality. A base-2 logarithm with a pseudo-count is normally used.

The use pseudo-count is to avoid taking the logarithm of 0(- infinite). You can use log2(x+0.5) or log2(x+1). log2(x+0.5) will normalize 0 to -1, while log2(x+1) results in all positive values. We can see that the box plot before normalization looks not good.

myRPM.keep <- as.matrix(myRPM.keep)
boxplot(myRPM.keep, xlab="", ylab="counts per million")
title("Boxplots of myRPM.keep")

Next we’ll use box plots to check the distribution of the read counts on the log2 scale.

logcounts <- as.matrix(log2(myRPM.keep+0.5))
boxplot(logcounts, xlab="", ylab="Log2 counts per million",las=2)
title("Boxplots of log2counts")

8.7 Select highly variable genes

Let’s select data for the 500 most variable genes and plot the heatmap. var is the function to calculate variance.

# We estimate the variance for each row in the logcounts matrix
var_genes <- apply(logcounts, 1, var)
##    497097     20671     27395     18777     21399     58175 
## 6.0221458 1.5403589 0.1508798 0.1272154 0.3837607 2.4248936

Get the gene names for the top 500 most variable genes.

select_var <- names(sort(var_genes, decreasing=TRUE))[1:500]
## [1] "11475"  "22373"  "14663"  "12797"  "17880"  "110308"

Then we get a logcounts matrix with only highly variable genes.

highly_variable_lRpm <- logcounts[select_var,]
## [1] 500  12

8.8 Hierarchical clustering with heatmaps

And finally we can do hierarchical clustering with heatmaps.heatmap.2() is a very powerful tool from the gplots library to create enhanced heatmap with a dendrogram added to the left side and/or to the top. Typically, reordering of the rows and columns according to some set of values (row or column means) within the restrictions imposed by the deprogram is carried out.

heatmap.2 provides a number of extensions to the standard R heatmap function.


8.8.1 Plot top variable genes across samples

heatmap.2(highly_variable_lRpm,trace="none", main="Top variable genes ",scale="row",cexCol=.8,cexRow=.8)


As we can see, the result of heatmap.2 is not easy to interpret, if we want to add more information such as annotation for cell types, we can use aheatmap function from NMF package.


Some explanations:

  • color = ‘-RdYlBu:200’: “RdYlBu” is a color palette, “-RdYlBu:200” means reversed palette ‘RdYlBu’ with 200 colors.
  • main=“Top 500 most variable genes across samples”: Main title is Top 500 most variable genes across samples.
  • annCol=sampleinfo[, 3:4]: sampleinfo[, 3:4] contains the inforamtion for CellType and Status. anncol stands for specifications of column annotation tracks displayed as colored rows on top of the heatmap.
  • scale=“row”: The values is scaled in the row direction, more specifically, each row is centered and standardized separately by row Z-scores.
  • labCol=sampleinfo$group: Labels for the columns are the group informations from sampleinfo.

And by specifying all the details, we can get a very beautiful heatmap. The gradients from blue ro orange represent the Row’s z-score.

aheatmap(highly_variable_lRpm,color = "-RdYlBu:200", main="Top 500 most variable genes across samples", annCol=sampleinfo[, 3:4], scale="row", labCol=sampleinfo$group)

Save the figures

Create a folder called “result”, and now we can save the heatmap into the “result” folder. You can use the command:

aheatmap(highly_variable_lRpm,color = "-RdYlBu:200", main="Top 500 most variable genes across samples", annCol=sampleinfo[, 3:4], scale="row", labCol=sampleinfo$group)

You can also use pdf() to save your figures in pdf format.

8.8.2 Plot sample-sample clustering heatmap

Pearson correlation is used to evaluate the correlation between samples when the data is normally distribute. As we already normalize the data, so we can get the pearson correlation by:

corr <- cor(myRPM.keep)
aheatmap(corr,main = "Correlation beween samples",labCol=sampleinfo$group,labRow=sampleinfo$group, width = 0.5, height = 0.5)

Plot the heatmap and save the figures:

aheatmap(corr,main = "Correlation beween samples",labCol=sampleinfo$group,labRow=sampleinfo$group, width = 0.5, height = 0.5)
## png 
##   2

8.9 PCA for multidimensional scaling plots

Principal components analysis, which determines the greatest sources of variation in the data. We can use the prcomp() function to perform a principal components analysis on the given data matrix from the package stats. ggfortify is a package provides functions for ggplot2 to know how to interpret PCA objects. You can use autoplot() function for stats::prcomp and stats::princomp objects.


First, we create the right input format for stats::prcomp, and we add a new column called CellType with the cell type information from sampleinfo.

RPMforPCA <- t(myRPM.keep)
RPMforPCA <-
RPMforPCA$CellType <- sampleinfo$group
pc <- prcomp(RPMforPCA[,1:ncol(RPMforPCA)-1])
autoplot(pc, data = RPMforPCA, label = TRUE, label.size = 2, colour = 'CellType')+ggplot2::ggtitle("Scatter plot for CellType")
## Warning: `select_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `select()` instead.

Use autoplot to visualize PCA results and save the figures.

autoplot(pc, data = RPMforPCA, label = TRUE, label.size = 2, colour = 'CellType')+ggplot2::ggtitle("Scatter plot for CellType")
## png 
##   2